Negativity Bias

Have you ever noticed that a piece of bad luck, like a parking ticket, can ruin your whole day? Even if the cost of the ticket is not that great, you can waste hours thinking about the injustice of the ticket and how to prove your case in traffic court. Meanwhile, you may have forgotten the recognition you got from your boss for a job well done. This is “negativity bias”: the tendency to blow negative occurrences out of proportion and even forget what went right.

Negativity bias probably has some evolutionary benefits. It helped our ancestors steer clear of the lions den, perhaps, but now it does little more than contribute to stress and unhappiness.

The primary objective of the Notably Good app is to help you overcome negativity bias. The goal is NOT to forget or minimize the bad things that happened to you, but to help you remember and acknowledge the good to as to put the bad things in perspective.

There is a substantial body of scientific evidence behind this excerize, showing that it can help you improve your overall outlook on life which, itself, has many other benefits..